Mi Mic


SKU: 8422878770038 Category:

Risk, mime and crazy sentences!!
Mimic is a frenzied game of mime and sound in which a member of each team will take it in turns to depict as many words as possible.
The dice indicates the number of words that you should interpret, guess and form a sentence with in one minute.
If there is time left over you can take the risk and roll the dice again to gain more cards.
But beware; if you run out of time and you have not guessed all the cards in play, you will lose as many cards as stated on the dice at that time.

The cards are divided into three categories:
Actions, Objects and Characters.
What would you do to mimic Lady Gaga or a Drag Queen?

Manufacturers Recommended Age: 12+ years
Recommended number of Players: 4 players more
Measurement: 19 x 9 x 19 cm

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