Pirates Adventure


SKU: 8422878808717 Category:

Which team of shipwrecked pirates will arrive first to the island and will build a pirate ship to continue on with their adventures?
Two pirate ships have been shipwrecked and its crew has to get to an island that they see in the distance and try to build a new ship to be able to return home.

Manufacturers Recommended Age: 5+ years
Components: 10 sea tiles and islands, 6 pirate caps, 1 dice, 20 coins, 2 boats, 2 books, 1 sandwatch, 2 pencils, 2 fabric bags, 25 letters with pirate images
Game Description: Become a pirate by travelling the seas, pass the tests to get to the island first and build your ship before the others to continue your journey. The participants will be the counters and the floor the board, completed with the sea and island tiles.
Key Competences: Linguistic communication: description of the words the team has to guess. Social and civic: relationship with the group. Learning to learn: making decisions together, in a democratic way. Social and civic competences: tolerance to frustration, respect for the rules of the game. Learning to learn: understanding the game and knowing that I am playing it correctly
Cognitive Skills: Spatial orientation – knowing how to place yourself on the board. Attention – performing the tests. Language – definition of the words in the game. Decision-making – choosing the test to be carried out. Planning – of the actions to be carried out.
Multiple Intelligences:

  • Linguistics – describe the cards with vocabulary
  • Visual-spatial – building the boat
  • Corporal – miming
  • Interpersonal – relationship with the group.

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