Pirates Parcheesi – Goose


SKU: 8422878808434 Category:

Play Ludo and the Goose Game with the most intrepid pirates!
You can use this reversible board and its wooden pieces to play the Goose Game or a simplified version of Ludo (with less squares), depending on the side you choose.

AGE: 5 years old and above

COMPONENTS: 1 reversible game board, 4 pirate characters, 16 Parcheesi counters and 1 die.

KEY COMPETENCES – Social and civic: respecting turn, tolerance to frustration, understanding codes of conduct, empathy. Learning to learn: listening to rules and checking that they are being applied well, perception of self-efficacy.

COGNITIVE SKILLS – Attention: auditory to the partner and visual to the board. Reasoning: According to the premises, deduce the correct answer. Problem solving and creative thinking

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES – Logical-mathematical: deduction according to premises | Spatial or visual: locate on the board

GAME DESCRIPTION – Play Parcheesi and Goose with the most intrepid pirates! With this reversible board and its wooden pawns, you can play goose or a simplified version (with fewer squares) of Parcheesi according to the side you choose.

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